WILLEMSTAD - August 27, 2017 -Mr. Charlwin Marshall, better known as Chef Broertje Marshall, will soon be contending in another...
Press Releases
CTB ta deseá Chef Broertje Marshall hopi éksito den e ‘Nelson Mandela Culinary Challenge’
WILLEMSTAD - 27 di ougùstùs 2017 -sr. Charlwin Marshall, mihó konosí komo ‘Chef Broertje...
18 Lodging Establishments and 11 Diving Operators Certified by the CTB
WILLEMSTAD - August 13, 2017– The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) and the Minister of Economic Development, Dr. Steven...
CTB ta sertifiká 18 akomodashon i 11 operador di buseo ku a pasa ouditoria di kalidat ku éksito
WILLEMSTAD - 13 di ougùstùs 2017- Resientemente Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) i Minister di Desaroyo...
34.7 million US dollars generated from Tourism in June 2017
...All focus markets achieved positive outcome in June... WILLEMSTAD –August 8th, 2017 June Visitor Arrivals, Visitor...
Turismo a generá 63 mion florin na yüni 2017
...Tur merkado importante a realisá sifranan positivo na yüni... WILLEMSTAD – 8 di ougùstùs 2017...
No Agreement between the CTB and Uber
WILLEMSTAD- August 7, 2017 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB) has taken note of posts on social media stating that...
CTB no tin akuerdo ku Uber
WILLEMSTAD- 7 di ougùstùs 2017 – Ofisina di Turismo di Kòrsou (CTB) ta informá di a tuma nota...
Kas di Kultura Kòrsou Foundation and the CTB Sign Collaboration Agreement
WILLEMSTAD- July 31, 2017 – On July 31 of this year, the Kas di Kultura Kòrsou Foundation and the Curaçao...