WILLEMSTAD- June 30, 2020 – The Curaçao Tourist Board (CTB), in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health, the Environment & Nature (GMN) and the Ministry of Economic Development (MEO), has organized two information sessions for stakeholders in the hospitality industry, in preparation for the reopening of our borders. The sessions covered various protocols that have been developed in collaboration with GMN and MEO for the hospitality industry, as well as began to prepare hospitality workers to meet the customer service demands of the “new normal.” The sessions were attended by 164 persons in total.
These protocols have been branded “A Dushi Stay, the Healthy Way.” The branding is meant to convey that Curaçao is one destination where the visitor can enjoy a safe, healthy and pleasant stay, with the assurance that both visitors and workers observe the protocols as per the new normal, here. The sessions opened with a welcome by the Minister of Economic Development, Dr. Steven Martina, followed by CTB CEO Mr. Paul Pennicook who outlined the phased recovery strategy implemented by the CTB. He also presented Marketing & PR initiatives that are part of the recovery campaign. Participants were then led through the details of the hospitality industry protocols, in a section including a digital presentation by Dr. Gerstenbluth. Both sessions ended with a workshop on the subject of Customer Service in the New Normal.
In preparation for the gradual and responsible reopening of our borders, the CTB has produced various communication materials geared toward travel agents abroad and future visitors to the island. These include; a video and a digital card with a clear and easy breakdown of the arrangements that have been put in place to start welcoming visitors once again. In addition, together with other stakeholders a portal has been created containing a few mandatory steps visitors have to follow before departure to Curaçao. These steps include; uploading of the PCR test result and completing the Digital Immigration card and the Passenger Locator Card (PLC). The CTB also designed the Dushi Stay app, which provides a ‘Welcome back’ message, a link to the detailed protocols, emergency numbers, a link to curacao.com, push-notification messages with the latest news and more. As soon as they arrive at our airport, tourists will be receiving a card with the Public Health Department contact information and the notification to download the Dushi Stay app. The CTB has also produced a protocol poster for the industry, which can be hung at establishments to inform tourists on all the local guidelines, such as those on physical distancing and hygiene. The poster also features GMN contact numbers in case a visitor starts to experience COVID-19 symptoms.
Like many other countries around the globe, Curaçao has been affected by COVID-19. The developments in connection with this pandemic brought our tourism industry to a full stop. With the responsible reopening of our borders, Curaçao will gradually begin to receive tourists once more. We have left the old normal behind and are moving forward together.
All the protocols prepared for the hospitality industry and presented at these information sessions are available on the CTB’s corporate website: curacaotouristboard.com/covidprotocols.