Di 8 pa 12 di yanüari, Kòrsou tabata presente un biaha mas na Vakantiebeurs Utrecht.

Di 8 pa 12 di yanüari, Kòrsou tabata presente un biaha mas na Vakantiebeurs Utrecht.
This milestone highlights the growing appeal of our island’s vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and warm hospitality.
Un logro eksepshonal
The introduction of this new route reaffirms the airline’s commitment to Curaçao by bringing more tourists from Colombia
Introdukshon di e ruta nobo for di Medellín ta afirmá e aerolínea su kompromiso ku Kòrsou pa sigui trese mas turista for di Colombia
The island saw a strong 15% increase compared to November 2023
Kòrsou a registrá un kresementu fuerte di 15% den kantidat di bishitante kompará ku novèmber 2023
This new route aligns with Curaçao’s strategic goals to increase travel connections from the United States.
E ruta nobo, ta kuadra ku Kòrsou su metanan stratégiko di habri mas konekshon di biahe for di Estádos Unídos.